Install plugins:
- An SEO plugin (like yoast, all in one seo) is the first step.
- Adjust and tinker with SEO plugin settings and keep doing it.
- Connect analytics and search console.
- Install cacheing and image compressing plugins.
- Activate it.
- Since it’s a blog, you should also make it AMP proof.
- Backup your site using a backup plugin and be safe.
- This can also help if you are changing domains or hosting service or if accidentally lost.
- Use search console to help Google crawl your site properly. You could fetch and use highlighters for a starter.
- Use analytics to understand your audience and build on it.
- Promote your site through various blogs and sis coal medias(like this question that you asked on quora).
- Continue using blogger for a while longer to shift traffic.
- Use Google plus and eblogger if necessary 😉
You could do all this on your own and optimise your blog on wordpress. But eventually it’s the content and quality of posts that drives the traffic.
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Article Name
What are the best SEO settings for one who newly started WordPress?
The best SEO settings for one who newly started WordPress.
Athul Raj
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SEOgrey Digital Marketing & SEO
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One thought on “What are the best SEO settings for one who newly started WordPress?”
Good collection. Just want to know if you can share some plugins?