impact of covid 19 pandemic among marketers

Are You a Marketer? These 6 steps can help you in Covid 19 Pandemic

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How Corona Virus Affects Marketers The miserable the truth is that it is spreading rapidly and will keep on spreading for some time. Did you realize that we are getting approximately 7,097 new cases a day and it’s developing quick? Nobody truly realizes what number of individuals will be contaminated (or will die tragically), however […]

Start Your Own Online Ecommerce Store for as less as Rs. 600 per month. SEO Optimised.

Posted Leave a commentPosted in advanced, basic, ecommerce, local marketing, online marketing, SEO

  Starting an ecommerce site is going to be easy, fast and cost-effective with SEOgrey’s New Year Ecommerce Offer. Get your business online with its own ecommerce site, complete with payment gateway and logistics integration – All this without you needing to spend time countless hours or money on it. Our extensive experience in building […]

What is OFF-Page SEO ?

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LAST UPDATED ON DECEMBER 18/2020 What is SEO?  Search Engine optimization or just SEO is the method of skyrocketing the traffic onto your website at no cost.   to place it across during a higher manner, I’d say, it’s the follow of skyrocketing the amount and quality of traffic to your web site through organic computer […]

What is Social Media Marketing?

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LAST UPDATED ON 30/12/2020 Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms and websites to promote a product or service. Most of these social media platforms have their own built-in data analytics tools, which enable companies to track the progress, success, and engagement of ad campaigns. Companies address a range of stakeholders through […]