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How to Build Your Brand With Instagram Marketing: Dos and Don’ts

Instagram is the ideal place for small businesses, start-ups, and startups of all kinds. There are tons of Instagram marketing ideas on how to “win” on Instagram. Here we try to quiet the noise with concrete and actionable Instagram marketing tips on the steps you need to take to get established and followers on Instagram. Also included is a quick rundown of what NOT to do on your journey to success. But first “what to do”.

Instagram Marketing Dos

  1. Set up an Instagram business account

Building a brand requires combining all the elements of your Instagram presence. Leave it recognizable.

The only link you can click on your Instagram account is in the bio section just below your name. Get in the habit of updating your links frequently. Think more than a link to your website. You can do that, but you can also drive event registrations, app downloads, and even purchases by changing your landing page to keep your followers engaged.

Don’t forget that you can change your profile to advertise launches, promotions, sales and more. The formula for writing a bio is to briefly state who you are and what you do, and include some of your personality. So you have your bio and your account name, all indelibly linked to your brand her personality. what’s next?

Instagram is all about visuals. They should have a recognizable visual identity. what do you present The obvious decision is what your company does, sell your business or deliver a restaurant kitchen to a customer’s table.

Customer stories and behind-the-scenes looks at the office and her members of the team are also effective. Especially if the product is more like a service than a product. You don’t want it to appear as an urgent product, so get creative. how do you do that?

Share unique images full of personality and attention. Lifestyle photography reinforces the emotions associated with your brand while providing brand equity. Consider episode content: Break content into bite-sized chunks (images) and share them individually. Not only does this extend the life of certain content, but it’s also a built-in way to keep people interested and keep coming back for more content.

2. Create a sense of unity

Via their Instagram account, they create an overall aesthetic that fans capture as they scroll through their feeds.

Here are some basic rules for high-quality, attention-grabbing images.

Bright images receive 24% more likes than dark images. 29% people will love’s busy visuals, so make sure you have enough background space.

One dominant color gets 17% more likes than an image with a more vibrant color palette.

3.Promote your event and attract followers

Share your location using geotags and invite followers who may be nearby. If you can actually meet your followers in person (and show them how awesome you are) and build an active following, you’re well on your way to creating an Organic Brand Ambassador.

If you are not physically there or attending the event, you can ask viewers to use specific hashtags or tag your account in a post to get feedback on the experience. Yes (more on hashtags below).

Go one step further and share their posts on your account. Everyone loves to be recognized! This way your viewers know what you’re watching and what you’re interested in (more on that below).

4. Practice the 80/20 rule

It definitely fits here. What does mean? Limit posts directly aimed at selling products to 20% of all posts. The remaining 80% is for content that attracts followers and isn’t focused on your product or service. Lifestyle content is once again in focus.

5. Remember your target buyer persona

Thinking about stories gives you a lot of ideas for posts. Who are you? What is your hobby? what are your interests? Where do they like to shop, play, eat, drink? What are their favorite books, music, movies, TV? Where would you like to travel and what would you like to do there?

6. Feel free to use hashtags

Fast-paced Instagram feeds can quickly lose content. The only way to make your posts more persistent is with hashtags. Hashtags group posts into communities linked by keywords and remain discoverable. Not only does it make your post easier to find, but like we said, it can be a great way to engage (and encourage participation). your audience.

Keep your hashtags short but unique, evoke emotion. Make sure this hashtag fits your brand voice and personality, especially in line with other branding you’ve done on Instagram.

Hashtags are especially important because, unlike captions, they are searchable.

Hashtag Tip:

It’s now common knowledge that having 4, 5, or more hashtags in your Instagram post comments will significantly improve engagement.

  1. Work to increase engagement

Keep your followers engaged by rewarding them with exclusive content. Be the first to know about new products, services or events. Use teaser photos to spark curiosity about your new release. This type of preview makes your followers feel special and keeps them coming back.

We’ve already curated content that subtly promotes your products while building your brand’s lifestyle story. Instagram is a great place to share sales, discounts, and promotions you’re running.

You can go a step further and reward people who share your content or use hashtags with specific offers or giveaways.

8. Don’t ignore captions

Just because Instagram is a visual channel doesn’t mean you can’t put written content to good use. Captions are the stories that give meaning to your photos. Create captions that make your followers feel connected. Make them think and laugh.

Write active and engaging captions. Do not repeat what is shown in the photo. Emphasize it. Followers see the image and continue reading the caption. When I see a new angle there, I go back and take a closer look at the photo.

Captions are also a great way to drive interest in the episodic content you create (as mentioned above). Encourage your followers to look for more by explaining something from images they may have missed, making your statement compelling, and teasing what’s to come.

9. Interact with your followers

This point has been touched on several times indirectly (or directly, depending on how you look at it!). But it also deserves its own paragraph.

Reply to comments, thank followers for tags, reshare, follow and like other users’ content. These actions result in more engagement. If you want to see a specific person, you must include the @IG name in your message.

10. Track and measure key metrics

To attract new customers and keep optimizing your Instagram posts, you need to analyze your successes, reinvent what failed, research your audience, and repeat what worked.

Measure followers, engagement and clicks and use this data to improve your strategy. You set goals when you first decided to use Instagram (be sure to identify SMART goals for your Instagram efforts if you haven’t yet!). Focus on everything you can track and see how well you’re meeting those goals.

Instagram Marketing Don’ts



Now that you have an overview of what it takes to be successful on Instagram, the following should be fairly intuitive. In general, here are some things you shouldn’t do with your Instagram and social media marketing activities:

You need to know what you want to achieve with your marketing efforts. Otherwise, you never know when you’ve succeeded or failed, or when you need to revise. This is where goal setting comes into play.

Hope it came out on top. It doesn’t affect everyone, so use demographics to identify the personas you’re trying to attract with your marketing campaigns.

Don’t ignore negative comments. They can be a starting point for improvement. Start conversations with people who have submitted negative feedback or complaints.

 Social media is not an advertising channel. Instead, join the conversation.

This is more than just a banner space, it’s for active engagement with the community.

This includes buying followers, which it does not.

You should post regularly and actively interact.

Posts are meant to build community while showing your brand as a viable part of that community. Posts provide useful information to your community while showing who you are and what you do.

Unless you’re looking for actionable insight, there’s little point in using social media.

Wrapping it up

The bottom line here is to remember that Instagram’s social nature helps power the more intangible aspects of marketing. They want shopper loyalty, increased brand equity, and user lifetime value. Instagram is a brand identity promotion tool.

Just as important as the product itself is the community of followers that people connect with your brand and that you create. Don’t neglect the social aspect and work to make Instagram work.

If you need any help in advertising your brand on Instagram, then you can reach SEOGREY DIGITAL MARKETING anytime. We will be happy to help you. Easily create, analyze, and schedule Instagram posts, Stories, and Reels with SEOGREY. Save time and get results to promote your business easily.